Scientific Presentations
Target group: academic and scientific community, senior and junior researchers, students, environmental management authorities, environmentally aware non-experts (approx. 150 participants).
Kaltsis A., Koutsovoulou K., Skourti E., Thanos C.A. (2011). Composition and structure of Juniperus macrocarpa subpopulations in Crete. Book of Abstracts, p. 151, 5th National Congress of Ecology – “Ecological processes in space and in time”, Hellenic Ecological Society – Hellenic Zoological Society – Hellenic Botanical Society, Patra, October 7-10, 2010 [POSTER IN GREEK]
Target group: academic and scientific community, senior and junior researchers, students, environmental management authorities, environmentally aware non-experts (approx. 150 participants).
Thanos C.A. (2010). Study cases on conservation of endangered plants and habitats in Greece, p. 18, Proceedings, Symposium on Rare and Threatened Plants and Habitats, XIII OPTIMA Congress, Antalya, Turkey, March 22-26, 2010. [INVITED ORAL PRESENTATION]
Target group: international academic and scientific community, senior and junior researchers, students, environmental management authorities, environmentally aware non-experts (approx. 300 participants)
Target group: academic and scientific community