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Concrete conservation actions

Action C.1: On site habitat demarcation 

Activities performed

  • Exchange of data on habitat demarcation from various preparatory actions,
  • On-site discussions on habitat demarcation,
  • Clarification of technical issues on habitat demarcation (fencing materials, boundaries to be demarcated, etc.) between the partners,
  • Preparation of tender specifications (technical studies) for the habitat demarcation,
  • Publication of tender specifications for habitat demarcation,
  • Submission of offers for habitat demarcation,
  • Evaluation of the submitted offers,
  • Selection of the external assistants for the implementation of this action,
  • On-site demarcation of all Cretan study sites.

Main outputs:
239.31 ha of coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Crete have been demarcated of which 11.48 ha are in Kedrodasos, 2.76 ha in Falasarana, 16.52 ha in Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 25.54 ha in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, 98.55 in Lavrakas-Gavdos and 87.46 ha on Chrysi Island. 122 wooden sticks for habitat demarcation have been installed in Gavdos, 15 in Falasarna, 29 in Kedrodasos and 161 on Chrysi Island. 

Action C.2: Waste removal

Activities performed

  • Exchange of data on waste removal from various preparatory actions,
  • On-site discussion on practical issues on waste removal,
  • Allocation of direct treaties for waste removal,

Main outputs:
Based on the results of the litter survey and the discussions between the coordinating beneficiary and the associated beneficiaries (FDC and FDL), sites where direct treaties have been allocated are Sarakiniko-Gavdos, Agios Ioannis-Gavdos Falasarna and Chrysi. Greenhouses residues have been removed from the site in Falasarna (FDC). Camping left overs and other solid waste material have been removed from the island of Chrysi (FDL) and from Sarakiniko-Gavdos, Agios Ioannis-Gavdos (FDC). Other sites were no direct treaties have been allocated (Kedrodasos and Lavrakas-Gavdos) have been cleaned (litter removal with public engagement) with the help of the local communities and various volunteers.
239.31 ha of coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Crete have been cleaned (litter and solid waste removal) of which 11.48 ha are in Kedrodasos, 2.76 ha in Falasarana, 16.52 ha in Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 25.54 ha in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, 98.55 in Lavrakas-Gavdos and 87.46 ha on Chrysi Island. 15 four-wheeled plastic rubbish bins have been installed in Gavdos, 6 in Kedrodasos and 2 in Falasarna.

Action C.3: Enhancement of juniper regeneration

Activities performed

  • Exchange of data on Juniper regeneration from various preparatory actions
  • Collection of genetic material (seeds and cuttings) of Juniperus macrocarpa,
  • Fencing of juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa individuals in Kedrodasos,
  • Planting and micro-fencing new junipers individuals derived from cuttings in Chrysi and Gavdos,
  • Write-up and submission of D-C.3.1 “Interim report on juniper regeneration and enhancement” (see annex 7.1 of the mid-term report submitted on 31.01.2012),
  • Planting and micro-fencing new junipers individuals derived from cuttings in Kedrodasos,
  • Installation of information signs regarding the enhancement of juniper regeneration in Kedrodasos,
  • Maintenance of the micro-fencing around planted juvenile plants and placement of artificial shading,
  • Micro-fencing of 5 juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa plants in Sarakiniko-Gavdos,
  • Processing of the Juniperus macrocarpa survival data collected during the field visits to Gavdos, Chrysi and Kedrodasos,
  • Evaluation of the survival rate of the replanted juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa plants,
  • Monitoring the development and maintenance of the remaining Juniperus macrocarpa seedlings at the nursery of MAICh,
  • Evaluation of the plantation features of Juniperus macrocarpa (time, place, means of protection),
  • Planning of the future plantations of juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa plants growing at the nursery of MAICh, based on the evaluation results,
  • Transplanting and fencing the remaining juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa plants from the nursery of MAICh in Kedrodasos,
  • Transplanting and fencing the remaining juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa plants from the nursery of MAICh in Gavdos (Sarakiniko and Agios Ioannis),
  • Write-up and submission of D-C.3.2 “Final report on juniper regeneration and enhancement”

Main outputs:
96 juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa plants were replanted and fenced at various Cretan sites (21 in Sarakiniko-Gavdos of which 14 have survived, 41 in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos of which 25 have survived and 34 in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi of which 14 have survived). Moreover, 12 naturally established juveniles of Juniperus macrocarpa were fenced (6 in Sarakiniko-Gavdos and 6 in Kedrodasos-Elafonisi). Finally, approximately 150 juvenile Juniperus macrocarpa plants and 60 female individuals are growing in the nursery of MAICh for future planting if needed.

Action C.4: Restoration of the floristic composition and structure of the target habitat 2250*

Activities performed

  • Exchange of data on floristic composition and structure from various preparatory actions,
  • Collection of genetic materials of selected keystone species from all Cretan sites,
  • Discussions on on-site technical intervention methods (micro-fencing, shading, etc.) of Juniperus young juveniles and seedlings,
  • Micro-fencing of Juniperus macrocarpa in Kedrodasos, Chrysi and Gavdos,
  • Control of the invasion of Pinus brutia into habitat 2250* by removing juvenile pines within identified pilot zones at Gavdos and Chrysi sites,
  • Eradication of invasive species (Carpobrotus edulis) from Chrysi,
  • Balancing the male/female ratio of Juniperus macrocarpa in both sites of Chrysi by planting female individuals coming from cuttings previously collected from both sites,
  • Write-up and submission of the interim report on protection and enhancement of keystone species
  • Collection of Centaurea pumilio and Pancratium maritimum juvenile plants from Elafonisos,
  • Replanting seedlings and juvenile plants from selected species (Centaurea pumilio, Pancratium maritimum, Triplachne nitens, Nigella stricta) in Kedrodasos,
  • Fencing of seedlings and juvenile plants with micro-fences and installation of information signs regarding the restoration of habitat 2250* in Kedrodasos,
  • Monitoring and care of Juniperus macrocarpa cuttings from Chrysi at the NKUA laboratory,
  • Evaluation of the survival rate of the replanted juvenile plants (keystone species) in Kedrodasos and Maintenance of the micro-fencing around them,
  • Evaluation the results of the removal of Pinus brutia juvenile plants and alien species in Chrysi,
  • Write-up and submission of the final report on protection and enhancement of keystone species

Main outputs:
45 Pancratium maritimum and 44 Centaurea pumilio individuals have been planted and fenced in kedrodasos of which 21 Pancratium maritimum and 19 Centaurea pumilio have survived. 35 female young individuals of Juniperus macrocarpa were planted in Chrysi. 184 saplings of Pinus brutia have been eradicated from Cretan sites (57 from Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 30 from Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, 57 from Lavrakas-Gavdos, 19 from Chrysi-East and 21 from Chrysi-West). Moreover, the invasive species Carpobrotus edulis have been eliminated from 2 localities in Chrysi-East.

Action C.5: Fore dune stabilization through vegetation restoration

Activities performed

  • State of the art on front dune stabilization,
  • Exchange of data from various preparatory actions,
  • Discussions on technical issues on front dune stabilization between partners and the scientific committee,
  • Preparation of tender specifications (technical studies) for the front dune stabilization in Chrysi-East,
  • Publication of tender specifications for the front dune stabilization in Chrysi-East,
  • Submission of offers for the front dune stabilization in Chrysi-East,
  • Evaluation of the submitted offers,
  • Selection of the external assistant for the implementation of this action,
  • On site front dune stabilization in Chrysi-East.

Main outputs:
14 units of sand trapping fences (200m length in total) were installed at the North beach of the East site of Chrysi Island.

Action C.6: Visitor management intervention and infrastructures

Activities performed

  • Exchange of data from various preparatory actions,
  • Discussions on technical issues on visitor management interventions and infrastructures between partners and the scientific committee,
  • Preparation of tender specifications (technical studies) for the visitor management intervention and infrastructures,
  • Publication of tender specifications for the visitor management intervention and infrastructures,
  • Evaluation of the submitted offers,
  • Selection of the external assistants for the implementation of this action,
  • On-site implementation of visitor management infrastructures on all Cretan sites

Main outputs:
340 m of wooden boardwalks have been constructed and installed (120 m in Sarakiniko-Gavdos and 220 m in Chrysi-East). 65 directional wooden sticks have been installed for the main trails delineation in Gavdos (Agios Ioannis and Lavrakas), 40 in Chrysi Island and 8 directional metal sticks for the E4 path in Kedrodasos. 10 wooden rubbish bins have been installed at the main beach in Sarakiniko-Gavdos. 2 wooden tables with wooden benches have been installed within the habitat in Sarakiniko-Gavdos, 3 wooden benches have been installed within the habitat in Kedrodasos and 2 on Chrysi Island.

Action C.7: Design and installation of Signs 

Activities performed

  • Initiation and preparation of signs standards (design and fabrication guidelines),
  • Discussions on the assessment of strategic locations of signs in all Cretan sites,
  • Finalization of signs standards (design and fabrication guidelines),
  • Finalization of signs content,
  • Correction and improvement of the content of the information signs of all Cretan sites and market research for the printing of the signs,
  • Print out of the content of the information signs,
  • Construction and installation of signs on all Cretan sites.

Main outputs:
16 information signs have been installed within the boundaries of all Cretan sites (4 in Kedrodaso, 2 in Falasarna, 2 in Srakiniko-Gavdos, 2 in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, 3 in Lavrakas-Gavdos and 3 on Chrysi Island).

Action C.8: Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species 

Activities performed

  • Seed collection from all Cretan sites of Keystone species and the production and propagation of plant materials (Juniperus macrocarpa, Juniperus phoenicia, Lotus halophilus, Helianthimum stipulatum, Pistacia lentiscus, Pancratium maritimum, Silene colorata, Pseudorlaya pumila, Triplachne nitens, Vulpia fasciculate, Medicago marina, Centaeurea pumilo, Muscari spreinzhoferi, Nigella stricta, Valantia hispida, Prasium majus, Coridothymus capitatus, Ononis hispanica, Silene succelenta, Elytrigia juncea, Limoniastrum monopetalum, Limonium greacum, Salsola kali, Cackile maritime and Asparagus stipularis),
  • Collection and germination of seeds of Juniperus macrocarpa from Kedrodasos, Chrysi and Gavdos,
  • Collection and propagation of cuttings of Juniperus macrocarpa from Kedrodasos, Chrysi and Gavdos,
  • Production of draft and final protocols for seed collection, handling and storage of collected keystone species,
  • Production of draft and final protocols for seed germination of collected keystone species,
  • A model sand dune including Juniperus macrocarpa, Juniperus phoenicea and other keystone species was established at the botanical garden of MAICh,
  • Write-up and submission of the progress report on Ex situ conservation D-C.8.1
  • Write-up and submission of the final report on Ex situ conservation D-C.8.2

Main outputs:
Seeds from Juniperus macrocarpa and all keystone species have been collected, cleaned and stored at the seed bank of MAICh. Germination tests, seed collection, handling and storage protocols of collected keystone species have been produced and plant materials from keystone species have been propagated.