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Below you can see an outline of the key milestones of JUNICOAST 

Name of the Milestone
Code of the associated action Foreseen start/end date Actual start/end date Status
 Project website activation D2 1-1-2009/31-3-2009 1-1-2009/31-3-2009  completed
Establishment of the scientific committee E3  1-1-2009/31-3-2009 1-1-2009/31-3-2009 completed
Establishment of the stakeholders committee E5 1-1-2009/31-3-2009 1-1-2009/31-3-2009 completed
Installation of directional and information signs C7 1-4-2010/31-12-2010 1-4-2010/31-7-2013 completed
Habitats demarcation C1 1-1-2010/31-12-2012 1-1-2010/30-6-2013 completed
Habitats cleaned from solid waste C2 1-1-2010/31-12-2012 1-1-2010/31-7-2013 completed
Protection of natural, juniper seedling regeneration and population enrichment with additional seedlings C3 1-4-2010/30-6-2013 1-4-2010/30-6-2013 completed
Establishment of seedlings/saplings of keystone species (including juniper saplings, balancing male/female ratio) C4 1-4-2010/30-6-2013 1-4-2010/30-6-2013 completed
Sand stabilization and sand fixation in previously erosive areas C5 1-4-2010/30-4-2013 1-4-2010/30-6-2013 completed
Installation and designation of board walks, rubbish bins, wooden tables and benches C6 1-4-2010/30-4-2013 1-4-2010/31-7-2013 completed
Storage and cultivation of seed-lots and cuttings C8 1-1-2009/30-4-2013 1-1-2009/31-7-2013 completed
Educational workshops, students week, local events and networks D3 1-1-2009/31-8-2013 1-1-2009/31-8-2013 completed
Training workshops D4 1-1-2012/31-8-2013 1-1-2012/31-8-2013 completed
Network of stakeholders D4 1-1-2012/31-8-2013 1-1-2012/31-8-2013 completed